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@typeofweb/schema is a lightweight and extensible library for data validation with full TypeScript support!

codecov npm npm bundle size (minified + gzip) no external dependencies tree-shakeable


import { number, object, optional, string, validate } from '@typeofweb/schema';

const personSchema = object({
name: string(),
age: number(),
email: optional(string()),

const mark = {
name: 'Mark',
age: 29,

const personValidator = validate(personSchema);

const validatedPerson = personValidator(mark);
// returns
// {
// readonly name: string;
// readonly age: number;
// readonly email?: string | undefined;
// }

Intuitive coercion

import { number, object, date, validate } from '@typeofweb/schema';

const userQuery = object({
dob: date(),
query: number(),

const payload = {
dob: '2001-04-16T00:00:00.000Z',
query: '123',

const userQueryValidator = validate(userQuery);

const result = userQueryValidator(payload);
// returns
// {
// readonly dob: Date;
// readonly query: number;
// }

Descriptive errors

import { string, object, array, validate } from '@typeofweb/schema';

const validator = validate(array(object({ a: string() })())());

const result = validator([123]);
// throws ValidationError: Invalid type! Expected { a: string }[] but got [123]!

Types generated from validators

import { number, object, optional, string, TypeOf } from '@typeofweb/schema';

const personSchema = object({
name: string(),
age: number(),
email: optional(string()),

type Person = TypeOf<typeof personSchema>;
// type Person = {
// readonly name: string;
// readonly age: number;
// readonly email?: string | undefined;
// }